Career employment blog

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What Are Your Criteria For Your Ideal Work?

I happen with many people that when they are looking for a alteration of way in their career, or they experience 'stuck in a rut', they pick random thoughts for occupations or callings without really recognising and prioritising their personal criteria (values) for their ideal work. Often the ground people are unhappy in their current work is that some of their peak criteria are actually missing or be at a very low level.

What make I intend by criteria, well these are the things that are of import to you, they are an look of who you are and they are usually abstract and may include values such as as - helping people, flexibility, working in a team, money, location, relaxed culture, size of company or being originative - your ain listing may include some of these asset others that are personal to you. When I work with clients, one of the first things I make is to assist them place and prioritise their core and work values, and from here it goes easier to place whether a peculiar job, company or community will carry through your personal criteria. For illustration person who places 'working in a team' as one of their peak criteria, but is currently working alone sat in presence of a personal computer all day, will likely experience adrift, dissociated and unfulfilled.

It's also utile to retrieve that values are linguistic context specific, so you may well have got a totally different (and sometimes conflicting) set of values for things such as as wellness or relationships. When I discovered my ain core values I realised immediately why I hated working for person else and why now I love running my ain business!

Jenny Littlejohn

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