Career employment blog

Sunday, April 15, 2007

5 Steps To Getting A Job As A Video Game Tester

There are a few basic steps that any die hard gamer can follow to get into the world of testing video games for a living. If followed, you will far exceed the competing applicants. Remember that every gamer would love to be paid to play video games and you must apply as much vigor to each job application as you do to playing games for fun.

So let's break it down. Below I have listed the 5 basic steps to getting a job as a video game tester.

1. Get some gaming experience. This is one of the most important steps and it is actually the easiest. It can be unpaid beta testing or just your own personal experience. As long as you have some accomplishments that any gamer would envy, chances are you can consider that experience in some form or fashion. But again, if you can get any unpaid beta testing under your belt, you are ahead of the other applicants. Unpaid beta testing positions are easy to come by and they are posted all over the Internet. Just think, who wouldn't want to hire someone to test their games for free?

2. Prepare a resume. This is key. Without this marketing tool you will have nothing to showcase your talents. Many gamers underestimate the power of a good resume. Remember that this is your first impression so you had better make it a good one. Applicants do not get scheduled for interviews by putting together a shabby resume. Now granted a game testing position is entry level, but with so many gamers competing for the very same job an outstanding resume will clearly make you stand above the rest. You must take the time and effort to put together a resume that is not just a piece of paper, but you're skills and abilities.

3. Decide what game company you want to work for and do your research. Every gamer has one console that they prefer over others. If that is the case, then it would make sense that you would want to work for a game publisher that distributes games for that console. I mean if you're not enjoying the job, then what is the point? Game testing is not always an easy job so you had better enjoy what you do. Once you decide what types of distributors you want to work for, then you need to do your research. Find out all you can about the company. What are their goals? What do they expect from their employees? Does it seem like it will be a good fit for you?

4. Apply for the job. Once you figure out whom you want to work for, finding the job posting is fairly simple. Most major game firms have websites containing their current job postings. Just find the one that suits you, and apply. Be sure to use a text version of your resume if you are applying online. If you use a word version, chances are it will not come across properly on the employers' computer screen and you could seem unprofessional. You should also consider starting the application out with a cover letter that clearly shows what it is you're looking for and what you have to offer the company. Once you apply you should always follow up with the employer. You can contact the HR department to find out the status of your application at any time. Be proactive in your search for this dream job.

5. Be prepared for the interview process. When you do get selected for an interview, walk in prepared. You know how capable you are and what you have to offer so just go over that all the day before the interview on paper and make sure you have your answers ready before you walk through that door. Review key points like your ability to find bugs in games, why you have chosen this employer, why you would love the opportunity to test games, etc.

Getting a job in the game industry is not always easy, but if you work hard, follow up and apply yourself any gamer can land a testing gig. Commit yourself to achieving this goal, and it shall be.

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